Community-led therapy and support

from a tight-knit team of forward-thinking, out-of-the-box, and comprehensively-trained mental health professionals.

Our Primary Services

Online Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Coaching

For individual adults, young adults/teens, and couples/ relationships.

Links for more information:

Online Support Groups

We offer a wide range of innovative, accessible, and inclusive support groups:

Current Groups

Group Interest Form

Group FAQs

Other Services:

Mental Health Coaching, Peer Counseling, and Lived Experience Education

Clinical Supervision

Training and groups for student therapists and emerging mental health professionals

Professional Consultation

Sliding Scale Gender Affirmation Surgery Assessments and Letters

Approach and Philosophy

We are a team with complementary specializations, modalities, multicultural competencies, and focus areas, who are strongly dedicated to the development of each provider’s individualized approach, expertise, and wisdom–and how that aids our overall collective intelligence.

We believe in a model of mental health, wellness, and treatment that is:

  • Anti-reductionist

  • Integrative

  • Expansive

  • Biopsychosocial

  • Non-violent

Careful not to lose the forest for the trees, we tend toward critical and irreverent perspectives of much of the mental health industry:

We focus on meeting the needs of individuals, finding out what works best for each person, and making customized matches for themnot doling out old rote treatments or blindly following whatever modality of the month is trending.

Read more about us here.

  • Holistic

  • Social-constructionist

  • Research-informed

  • Intersectional

  • And Pragmatic

Over the years, we’ve gotten frustrated with “industry norms” and common psychotherapy practices that we feel do not best serve clients :

  1. Focusing on learning and adhering to a general approach, rather than on a therapist’s individual strengths and weaknesses and their clients’ unique characteristics.

  2. Focusing on an issue or area of focus, rather than the complexity and breadth of the lives those issues are situated within.

  3. Focusing on sparkly, up-and-coming therapy fads, rather than revisiting and honing foundational competencies and the transtheoretical principles most associated with client benefits across therapeutic approaches

  4. Getting burnt-out and disillusioned by the bureaucratic contexts they operate in and/or selling out and focusing on becoming a social media influencer at the expense of being of service.

Instead, we are committed to:

  • Training in multiple approaches and specialties, but prioritizing how we can improve our unique work as individual therapists.

  • Keeping in mind the complexity and variety of life experiences, and focusing on our connections with individuals, rather than the demographic or problem categories they might fit within.

  • Holding each other accountable to pragmatic, first principles thinking informed by the foremost research and theory on effective therapy, rather than getting lost in the weeds of the more than 1,000 distinct therapy approaches.

  • Being critical and reflexive of the systems we operate in so that we can respond intentionally and innovatively.

Our services are governed by a system of interconnected principles designed to improve your care.