Sarah Eve (she/her)

BA Counseling & Integrative Health, Mental Health & Somatic Coach, Herbalist, Full Spectrum Doula, and Peer Counselor

  • I integrate a number of services in my practice including mental health coaching, lived experience counseling, clinical herbalism, somatic therapy, and full spectrum doula support to provide holistic and inclusive care.

    Supporting clients holistically while emphasizing education, self knowledge, and personal empowerment is what excites me. My practice is client centered, trauma-informed, and grounded in harm reduction principles. In traditional therapy the body can be forgotten. I believe that when we learn how to be with/in our bodies we reconnect with our own embodied wisdom and power. Cultivating a sense of somatic (body-based) awareness is an integral piece of what I offer, as well as the option to collaborate with plant allies via custom herbal formulas. Additionally, I can weave in nutrition and lifestyle shifts to further compliment our work together.

    I hold space for clients as they look deeper within themselves toward discovering what is authentic and alive. My own path to this work has been profoundly informed by navigating the world with chronic illness for over a decade. It can be immensely challenging to exist in a body/mind that feels unwell, and I bring a depth of empathy and understanding that comes with lived experience.

  • My practice is rooted in the belief that my clients are the experts of their own bodies, and that their capacity to heal is ever-unfolding. I will meet you where you’re at, and together we will build upon your own inherent resources at a pace that feels good to you. It’s important to me that you feel safe and deeply heard during our time together. I will offer you guidance toward reconnecting with your innate wisdom, strength and creativity as you gain tools to more deeply understand your inner landscape. I weave together a myriad of somatic and integrative modalities to support you in this process, while bringing gentleness, compassion, and humor to our work together. As an herbalist I believe that herbs can be powerful tools to help stabilize physical/mental/emotional imbalances or patterns, while also creating grounding ritual in your daily life. Somatically, I use the Hakomi method which draws from Buddhist contemplative practices, Gestalt Therapy, Parts Work, Somatic Experiencing & Attachment Theory. As opposed to a traditional top down Western psychotherapeutic approach, in Hakomi the client is the authority of their experience — whatever arises within you is what I follow, with a curious, nonjudgmental and loving presence.

  • Self criticism & judgment, grief, stress, anxiety, mood swings, depression, shame, guilt, trauma, chronic illness/health issues, relationship issues, self-compassion, life transitions, boundary setting, communication.

    Specific body-based health concerns:

    Digestive imbalances & disorders


    Low immunity, colds, flus and allergies

    Complex chronic health conditions

    Hormone imbalances & menstrual cycle irregularities

    Autoimmune conditions

    Chronic pain

    Sleep issues/insomnia

    Fertility autonomy

    Pregnancy loss/termination

  • 2023: Hakomi Comprehensive Training (Somatic Psychotherapy) Level 2 (current)

    2023: Herbal Round Table Mentorship with Ember Peters, Stascha Stahl and Vilde Chaya (3 months)

    2022: Herbal Internship with Ember Peters - Nova Scotia

    2022: Advanced Clinical Skills with Ember Peters, Stascha Stahl and Vilde Chaya (6 months)

    2022: Hakomi Comprehensive Training (Somatic Psychotherapy) Level 1 (325 hours)

    2022: Acupuncture Apprenticeship with Steven M. Finkbine - Fairfax, CA

    2022: Conscious Contraception Skillshare with Samantha Zipporah

    2021: Chronic Digestive Disorders with Linden de Voil, Herbal & Somatic Support for PTSD with Kelly McCarthy, A Client-Centered Approach to Diabetes with Ember Peters, Herbs & Hormones with Ember Peters, Conscious Contraception with Tessa Micaela, Herbal Support for Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage & Abortion with Tessa Micaela

    2021: Clinical Herbalist Certificate School of Traditional Healing Arts (250 hours)

    2021: Practitioner Skills with Sarah Holmes of Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine

    2020: Apprentice Herbalist Certificate School of Traditional Healing Arts (300 hours)

    2019: Advanced Full Spectrum (Abortion) Doula Certificate Cornerstone Doula Trainings

    2019: Labor & Birth Doula Certificate Cornerstone Doula Trainings

    2019: Medical Section / Saturday Services Provider (STI testing & counseling) Berkeley Free Clinic

    2017: The People's Institute Training Undoing Institutionalized Racism

    2016: Powerful Voices Facilitator Girls Circle Facilitator Training

    2015: Crisis Counselor Thurston County Crisis Clinic

    2014: BA in Counseling and Integrative Health The Evergreen State College

    2014: Embodying NVC & Somatic Consensus Training with David Weinstock

  • $65 per 45-50 meeting

    $130 for 90 minute Initial Herbal Consultation

    What does it look like working with an herbalist?

    During your initial herbal consultation we will have an in-depth conversation about your health history and concerns. We will look together at body systems, lifestyle and nutritional factors to get a holistic picture of health, while using various diagnostic tools and strategies to identify underlying imbalances, patterns, and root causes. After our session I will put together a detailed individualized plan for self-care and customized herbal formulas to meet your personal healing goals. From here, we will continue to touch base about how your herbs and lifestyle changes are going. At each follow up we revisit and revise your goals, formulas, and strategies to adapt and change with your body and circumstances.

    What is a somatic therapy session?

    In session we begin by building our connection together, finding resources for tending to your nervous system and developing mindfulness skills. From there, we begin to explore some practices/techniques like: mindfulness exercises, body awareness, movement, inner child work, parts work, grief/play work, or whatever organically arises that feels supportive to you and the internal terrains you're navigating. Each session is different for everyone and my practice is very client-led, so together we will figure out what works best for you.

    What is full spectrum doula care?

    Full spectrum doula care is for all bodies, genders and stages of life. It often encompasses preconception and fertility support/tracking, pregnancy loss, miscarriage and abortion support. In a session, we will find ways to support you at whatever stage or cycle you're in with customized herbal remedies and personalized recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle.

    Initial Herbal Consultation: 90 minutes

    During your initial herbal consultation we will have an in-depth conversation about your health history and concerns, giving you the time and space to cover anything that may come up. We will look together at body systems, lifestyle and nutritional factors to get a holistic picture of health, while using various diagnostic tools and strategies to identify underlying imbalances, patterns, and root causes. Your input, observations and intuition are an integral part of the process. We will create a plan to meet your personal healing goals.


    Significant research outside our consultation to formulate

    A detailed individualized plan for self-care

    Customized herbal formulas

    Price does not include cost of herbs

    Follow-up Herbal Consultation: 45 minutes

    Follow-up Consultations are recommended within a month of your initial consultation. This is a time for us to check in about how your herbs and lifestyle changes are going. Depending on health goals, clients routinely follow up several times a year, some as often as monthly. At each follow up we revisit and revise your goals, formulas, and strategies to adapt and change with your body and circumstances.


Rachelle Sayers (she/her)


Skye Macrae (she/her)