Our services

Therapy from your home, workplace, while on vacation, or wherever you happen to be! All you need is a strong internet connection and a computer, tablet, or phone. 

All of our services are intended to create space for you to get to know yourself in all your multiplicities in order to create a life where your individuality can flourish. These services are provided by professionals who have the expertise and dedication to help you overcome adversities, heal old wounds, and resolve outdated patterns so that you can grow into yourself with greater skill, choice, and intention. Most importantly, they are here to help you get where you want to go–even if you’re not sure where that is, yet!


The differences between therapy, therapeutic coaching, and mental health coaching


Psychotherapy or clinical counseling is conducted by professionals (e.g., counselors, social workers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists), who are licensed and accredited in the region where a client resides. This is unless counseling/therapy are unregulated professions within a region or providers are graduate students under supervision. As a minimum, licensed professionals have obtained a master's degree, undertaken board examinations, and undergone hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of supervised experience.

Psychotherapy is a preeminent, gold standard mental health intervention and can be considered part of a medical system. It includes diagnosing and treating mental health disorders as conceived and studied by Western allopathic medicine. Due to this, and other board-regulated aspects of licensure, insurance providers may cover or reimburse costs of therapy services.


Therapeutic Coaching

At Intrepid Therapy Collective, therapeutic coaching is a service offered by professionals who are either licensed and/or credentialed in regions other than where the client resides or are advanced graduate students in a mental health profession, receiving supervision at ITC during an clinical internship or fellowship. These professionals call upon their whole skill set and expertise they have acquired throughout their life and professional development in order to help support you in achieving your mental health, relationship and general life goals. However, therapeutic coaching services are not considered part of the medical system and they are not intended to diagnose or treat diagnosed mental health disorders as conceived by Western allopathic medicine. For instance, in their capacity as therapeutic coach, your provider can help you with general and specific life and mental health struggles such as fear, worry, and anxiety, but when working in this role, they do not purport to treat “Generalized Anxiety Disorder.” Due to this, their services cannot be covered or reimbursed by insurance.


Mental Health Coaching

At Intrepid Therapy Collective, mental health coaching refers to services offered by unlicensed mental health professionals, such as coaches, peer counselors, and lived experience counselors. Like therapeutic coaching, these services are not considered part of the allopathic medical system and are not covered by insurance. At ITC, mental health coaches are supported by, train with, and routinely consult with licensed clinicians. They are selected for their exceptional expertise, as well as their general skill as mental health support workers.

In many circumstances, the match between client and provider is the most important factor in achieving desired mental health outcomes, rather than whether you are receiving psychotherapy, therapeutic coaching, or mental health coaching. However, the best fit mental health service for you will be assessed and discussed during an initial consultation. In some cases, although a specific mental health coach may seem like the ideal match, someone may be referred to a higher level of care such as psychotherapy, in-person psychotherapy, or in-patient treatment.


Couples Therapy/Relationship Coaching

We help couples and folks in multi-partner relationships with a wide variety of issues:

  • Communication problems

  • Conflict resolution

  • Kink and sexual exploration

  • Emotional distance or enmeshment

  • Affairs and infidelity

  • Addiction and navigating mental health challenges in relationships

  • Grief and loss

  • Resentment

  • Guilt

  • Anger

  • Ethical non-monagamy

  • Complex family structures

  • Physical and emotional intimacy

  • Significant life events and transitions

  • Overcoming traumas

  • Gaslighting

  • Personality issues and conflicts

  • Negotiating hot topics 

  • Family of origin, extended family, “In laws” issues

  • Sex, pleasure, and attraction

  • Parenting

  • Fertility 

  • Family planning

  • Recommitment 

  • Trust and betrayal

  • Pre-marital and proactive counseling

  • Trial separations, seperations, and break-ups 

Youth and Young Adult

Common issues we help youth and young adults with:

  • Navigating complex family dynamics, and conflicts

  • Transending dysfunctional family systems

  • Peer and social relationships

  • Being young with mental health struggles; (e.g., anxiety, trauma, stress, trauma, substance use, mood, depression, self-esteem, disordered eating, grief)

  • Goal setting and planning

  • Motivation issues and developing grit

  • Gender, orientation, and sexuality

  • Academic and career coaching

  • Adoption, foster care, and transitioning between families and family structures

  • Behavior and attention struggles

  • Anger

  • Social media

  • Navigating the challenges of emerging as an adult in this day and age of complex family and societal dynamics along with global, planetary crises.

Family Therapy

Common issues we help parents and families with:

  • Parenting and co-parenting

  • Family transitions

  • Navigating multi-family and blended family systems

  • Navigating family life stages

  • Youth and young adult issues

  • Conflict mediation

  • Traumas

  • Crises

  • Grief

  • Tragedies and death in the family

  • Conflicy around culture, religion, or lifestyle

  • Adoption, foster care, and transitioning between families and family structures

  • Trial separations, separations, and divorce

  • Anger and stress problems

  • Enmeshment (too much engagement) and disengagement (too little engagement)

  • Family crises and traumas

  • Boundaries and communication

Group Therapy


Our current group offerings:

Bipolar and mood support group

Expressive writing and journal therapy group

Near future groups:

LGBTQ support group

General community support group—open to all individuals receiving support from the collective centered around monthly topics.

Please contact us if you’re interested in current or near future group offerings.

Asynchronous Coaching


We also provide coaching via email and other asynchronous formats. The structure of this is customized for each individual. Examples of folks this service is a fit for include individuals who benefit from more consistent check-ins, who are self-directed and prefer to receive guidance in their own time, who find short asynchronous check-ins therapeutically sufficient, or prefer to have spaced out synchronous sessions with some as-needed asynchronous check-ins sprinkled in.

Asynchronous coaching can include guided or collaborative journaling, working through a self-development program or workbook with guidance and feedback, dream work, accountability check-ins and goal coaching (and other executive functioning support), general daily and weekly processing, or coaching around a topic your therapist holds an expertise in.

The fee structure is typically per 15 or 30 minute email response and varies from clinician to clinician. Please contact with inquiries.

Professional consultation and supervision

We love helping clinicians accelerate their careers and professional development, particularly clinicians at early stages in their career or when transitioning to private practice with a wide variety of topics such as:

  • Clinical consultations focused on targeted issues and cases

  • Lifelong learning and professional development, targeting areas of improvement, developing strategies to improve and methods of assessment

  • Work-life balance

  • Building a personalized caseload

  • Crafting administrative practice systems

  • All things private practice

  • Developing an individual approach to therapy and professional niche

  • Networking, marketing, and business strategy

  • Branching out from psychotherapy and developing parallel services

  • Writing coaching – academic, such as research papers, and professional such as blogs.

We offer as needed professional consultation and supervision services, as well as welcome inquiries and letters of interest from like-minded mental health professionals about joining the collective – read more here.