Innovative, Accessible, and Inclusive

Online Support Groups

About our groups

We offer a wide range of groups curated for various communities and focus areas.

We’re always looking to organize and design new groups based on client needs and interests. 

So if you don’t see a group that’s already a good fit for you, please reach out and request one!

Our Approach to Groups

Groups are customized for their members and focus on how to help each other achieve mutual goals. The structure, process, and culture of each group evolves based on members experience, progress, and feedback.

Some are fun, welcoming, and social; others are challenging and focus on self-exploration or skill-building. 

For more information, read more below.

To join, express interest in, or request a group, fill out our intake questionnaire and we’ll be in touch shortly to schedule a free consultation.

You can view and apply to groups scheduled to launch within 1 or 2 months below.

Contact us with any other questions!

Why group therapy?

We firmly believe in the power of small groups to facilitate personal development and behavioral change.

Support groups can help us respond to individual and collective mental health crises in pivotal ways.

In an era of unparalleled:

  • isolation, disconnection, and anomie

  • groupthink, polarization, and culture wars 

  • demoralization, moral injury, and epistemic injustice

  • and economic and political co-option of individuals’ lifeworlds, humanity, and basic needs…

support groups can build our individual and collective resilience. They can help us harness our collective nervous systems and take advantage of unprecedented opportunities to connect in creative and prosocial ways.

Groups Launching Soon!

This list includes groups that are scheduled to begin in the next month or two and are currently open for additional participants. Simply complete this form to express interest and apply.

  • ADHD, Executive Functioning, and Emotional Regulation Support and Process Group

    An inclusive and understanding community for individuals grappling with ADHD, executive functioning challenges, and emotional regulation issues. This group provides a collaborative space for sharing experiences, offering support, and exploring practical strategies for daily life management, including goal setting, follow-through, and achievement.

    Group Focus:

    Executive Functioning:

    Discuss strategies to enhance organization, planning, and task management.

    Share experiences and solutions for overcoming procrastination and improving focus.

    Explore practical approaches to developing effective routines and systems for daily life.

    Emotional Regulation:

    Understand the interplay between ADHD and emotional challenges.

    Exchange techniques for managing mood swings, frustration, and sensitivity.

    Learn and practice mindfulness and coping mechanisms tailored to ADHD needs.

    Group Dynamics:

    Open Discussions: Engage in group-led, open-ended conversations about personal experiences and challenges.

    Peer Support: Benefit from the empathy, insights, and shared wisdom of a community that relates to your experiences.

    Flexible Topics: Address relevant themes and emerging issues as per the group's interests and needs.

    Safe and Inclusive Space: Experience a welcoming environment where all voices are heard and respected.

    Benefits of Participation:

    Community and Connection: Connect with others who understand the nuances of living with ADHD.

    Enhanced Coping Skills: Learn new ways to handle daily challenges, improve relationships, and boost overall well-being.

    Personal Insight: Develop a deeper understanding of how ADHD affects various aspects of your life and relationships.

    Empowerment: Equip yourself with tools and knowledge to advocate for your needs and improve your quality of life.

    Who Can Benefit:

    This group is open to adults facing the challenges of ADHD, executive functioning, and emotional regulation, whether in the workplace, educational settings, or personal life.

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • All Aboard the Bipolar Express! - Bipolar and Mood Disorders Support Group:

    A process, psychoeducation, and skill-building support group for adults (18+) living with bipolar and other mood disorders. Led by a bipolar clinician with extensive clinical and lived expertise in mood disorders, this group is a safe space with people who really “get it,” and can meet you where you’re at: whether you want to share memes about the hilarity of chronic mental illness, or just need some compassionate company when you’re wading through the depths of your despair. Empower yourself to work with your bipolar disorder, and not against it.


    A. Learn more about key concepts and clinical terminology– what does it mean when your psychiatrist is talking about a labile affect, anyways?

    B. Build community accountability for holistic wellness strategies, with concrete “life hacks” and practicable strategies for success.

    C. Gain insight into personal triggers, common cognitive distortions, and tried-and-true coping mechanisms.

    D. Share culturally relevant media resources that reduce shame and stigma.

    E. Inspire hope that this diagnosis isn’t the end of the world.

    All aboard the bipolar express!

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Awakening Authenticity: Expressive Writing for Self-Esteem & Empowerment

    This group is dedicated to navigating the complexities and challenges related to self-esteem, perfectionism, shame, criticism, self-judgment, people pleasing, and boundary-setting while honoring and nurturing individual narratives and unique paths.

    Join us on a transformative journey that blends therapeutic discussions and sharing with journal therapy and expressive writing–venturing deep into your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, fostering an environment that values your unique perspectives.

    In this intimate community, with members journeying along similar paths, you can expect:

    • Inclusive, judgment-free zone celebrating your unique voice and fostering mutual respect

    • Connect and build meaningful relationships with peers on similar journeys of self-discovery

    • Reflective writing prompts and exercises to foster personal growth, resilience, and self-compassion

    • Exploring shame, self-criticism; embracing your authentic, vulnerable self; and cultivating self-worth

    • Courageous conversations on boundaries, expectations, perfectionism, shame, and self-criticism.

    • Opportunities to release shame and unmask unhelpful narratives.

    • Share insights, strategies, and resources to reinforce well-being and navigate personal challenges.

    Together, by sharing experiences and empowering one another, we'll transform perspectives and foster personal growth. Let's uplift ourselves and each other in this nurturing space for insight, empowerment, and awakening inner power and beauty!

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Journal and Expressive Writing for Mental Wellness Support Group.

    Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth where the pen becomes a tool for wellness, self-discovery, and growth.. This group is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their mental wellness through the powerful tools of journaling and expressive writing.

    What We Offer:

    Diverse Journaling Techniques: Learn a wide array of journaling methods and discover how to tailor them to your unique mental health needs, goals, and life circumstances.

    Expressive Writing Exercises: Engage in reflective writing activities designed to explore and articulate your thoughts, experiences, and emotions, fostering resilience and self-compassion.

    Supportive Community: Connect with others on a similar journey. Share insights, strategies, and experiences in a judgment-free and respectful environment.

    Navigating Complex Emotions: Use journaling as a tool to delve into feelings of self-criticism, shame, and vulnerability, turning these insights into pathways for self-acceptance and worth.

    Guided Discussions: Participate in discussions on critical themes like self-esteem, perfectionism, and boundary setting, all facilitated by experienced group leaders.

    Personalized Approach: Whether you're new to journaling or an experienced writer, you'll find guidance and support in experimenting with and optimizing journaling practices that resonate with your personal wellness journey.

    Outcome Focused: Aimed at tangible benefits, such as improved mental clarity, emotional regulation, and heightened self-awareness.

    Benefits of Joining:

    Enhanced Mental Clarity: Through regular writing, gain a clearer understanding of your thoughts and feelings.

    Emotional Regulation: Learn techniques to effectively process and manage complex emotions.

    Strengthened Resilience and Self-Compassion: Build resilience and foster a kinder, more compassionate relationship with yourself.

    Community and Connection: Find solidarity and support among peers, creating meaningful connections.

    Who Should Join:

    Our group welcomes anyone interested in exploring the transformative power of journaling and expressive writing for mental wellness. Whether you're starting your journaling journey, seeking new methods to enhance your practice, or interested in how writing can impact mental health, you'll find valuable resources and a supportive community here.

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • LGBTQ+ Support Group

    Welcome to all queer-identifying guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! When we use the phrase “sexual orientation,” we’re often focusing on the sexuality component: but as queer folx, we’re additionally oriented to the world around us in a way that can run counter to the systems that privilege cis/straight/allo experiences. This support group strives to be a socially conscious, culturally responsive space where members can both give and receive community support as we navigate the unique challenges (and joys) of queer identity.

    In this group, members can expect to:

    Explore a variety of facets of queer experience, including interpersonal relationships, coming out, sexuality, identity, family, career, life transitions and more, depending on the group’s particular interests.

    Authentically express themselves to other queer people, who may have different ways to understand and categorize gender, sexuality, and even queerness itself.

    Identify all of the big and little ways we’re constantly coming out of all sorts of closets, throughout the duration of our lives

    Share ideas (and vent, and gush) about topics in pop culture and media relevant to queer identities

    Come together and collaborate as a community, as an antidote to loneliness

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Men’s Circle

    A process group for male-identifying individuals to encourage mutual growth, practice vulnerability, support each other’s goals, connect and learn from one another, explore their shadow and growth edges, and undo the harm of societal boxes they’ve been placed in.

    A circle of conscious, emotionally-aware men is sadly a scarce resource in our culture, and many men suffer from the resulting isolation to varying degrees. This group is meant to address that lack of connection, while also serving as a social laboratory of self-discovery.

    Expected benefits:

    A) Increased self-awareness, empathy and communication skills.

    B) Greater sense of purpose, belonging, connection and life direction.

    C) More motivation to live the life you want to live, and hold yourself accountable.

    D) Emotional resilience and increased capacity to fully show up in your other relationships.

    E) New guy friends!

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • "Neuroqueer," a Neurodiverse LGBTQIA+ Support Group

    This group explores and honors the intersections between neurodiversity and LGBTQIA+ identities and lived experiences of all spectrums. We'll foster a safe, supportive, and inclusive community space in which we'll connect and discuss individual and shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs as they relate to our journeys as neurodivergent and/or LGBTQIA+ folx. Our goal is to foster friendship, understanding, and personal growth within our diverse community.

    You Can Expect:

    • An affirming, judgment-free zone where you can feel seen and heard

    • Connections and camaraderie with peers who understand the complexity of intersectional identities

    • Candid conversations about lived experiences at the intersection of LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergence

    • A sense of belonging in our diverse, vibrant community

    • Exploring your identity and gaining self-awareness among those on similar paths

    • Sharing resources, insights, and strategies to support wellbeing

    • Advocacy, education, and empowerment in an inclusive environment

    • New friendships and social opportunities in a nurturing space

    We hope you'll join us on this journey of insight, growth, and celebration of our beautifully complex selves -- Let's learn from and uplift one another in our neuroqueer community!

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Neurodiversity Process Group

    Brains that don’t fit the “typical” mold often face unique struggles that require novel strategies and solutions. Learn about the spectrums of neurodiversity and process neurodiverse life experiences in a fun, supportive group. Lack of connectedness to others who can relate creates feelings of isolation and reduces access to opportunities. We need a place to build relationships, be ourselves, share encouragement, feel understood, and believe in ourselves. Improve communication skills at work and home, reduce stress, and learn more about your unique spices and flavor of neurodivergence with other people who understand what it’s like to live and think outside of the normative box.


    Unmask, and experience what it feels like to show up in a welcoming social space as your most authentic self

    Challenge yourself in a supportive environment to become your healthiest and best self—whatever your exceptional, unique needs might be

    Learn to self-advocate within our ableist, neurotypical hegemonic power structures

    Understand, normalize, empower differences

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Nonbinary, Transgender, and Gender Questioning Group

    A support group for nonbinary, transgender, gender expansive, gender questioning, gender queer, gender diverse, and gender non-conforming folx!!

    Explore and address the unique systemic stressors, lived experiences, and topics related to these identities and receive/give support from similar identified folx through process, experiential, and psychoeducational group work!

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Spectrum Connection: Autism Spectrum Support Group

    A supportive community that understands and appreciates the distinct experiences of those who identify or relate to being somewhere on the diverse autism spectrum. Our focus is on camaraderie, practical empowerment, advocacy, and the celebration of atypical perspectives and interests in a world that often adheres to a neurotypical norm.

    Unmask for self-discovery: “Unmask” in a welcoming social space that understands your preferences and differences so that you can discover a way of being that is most authentic to you.

    Growth and empowerment: Challenge yourself and grow with us. Harness your differences into superpowers – we understand that empowerment comes from embracing your authentic needs, preferences, and aspirations.

    Self-advocacy and education: Develop the skills to advocate for yourself in a world often governed by neurotypical norms, and learn to navigate and challenge these structures and relationships with confidence.

    Enhance communication: Develop skills to express yourself effectively across various settings, enriching both personal and professional relationships. Craft your own form of relational and emotional intelligence.

    Stress management: Discuss effective strategies and techniques to reduce stress and cope with challenges, tailored to what works for neurodiverse nervous systems.

    Build connections: Find a sense of belonging, ease, and mutual understanding with folks who “grok” you.

    Explore neurodiversity: Engage in candid discussions that deepen your understanding of the diverse autism spectrum and its many facets and flavors.

    Group Interest/Intake Form

  • Increase your psychological flexibility – your repertoire of thoughts, feelings, perspectives, behaviors, and ability to choose between them.

  • Increase your empathy, emotional fluency, and socio-emotional intelligence.

  • Develop wisdom: applied, contextual, procedural, and perspectival knowledge. 

  • Undo and rewrite maladaptive psychological and relational patterns (including coping mechanisms and self-sabotaging behaviors).

  • Improve communication skills.

  • Undo shame—soothe, relieve, and unburden vulnerable parts of your self.

  • Improve boundaries and self asserting/advocating skills.

  • Gain a sense of empowerment, inner freedom, and self-confidence.

What are the benefits of therapeutic groups?

Potential benefits include:

  • Gain structure, accountability, and teamwork for working towards goals.

  • Gain executive functioning and socio-emotional support.

  • Improved divergent and lateral thinking–exploring multiple perspectives and innovating one’s approach to life.

  • Develop approach and growth-mindsets by confronting one’s fears, unconscious habits, and “shadow.”

  • Develop strategies to address one’s personal issues as a community and tribe.

  • A confidential and supportive space to learn and grow.

  • You’re seeking reliable and affordable mental health support.

  • You’d like to add a powerful supplement to personal therapy or other forms of mental health support.

  • You haven’t tried a support group before.

  • Other forms of mental health care haven’t worked for you or met your needs.

  • You’re looking for structure and support throughout your mental health and self-development journey.

  • You’re struggling with a topic or area of life and want a curriculum and/or community/team approach to address it. 

Is an online therapeutic group for me?

Our groups may be a good fit for you if:

  • You’ve struggled to connect with others and build community— or you’ve simply been in need of more social interaction lately.

  • You’re curious about what groups can be like and are interested in building group facilitation and social skills.

  • You’re passionate about supporting others and contributing to their mental health and wellness.

  • You’re growth-oriented–you value self-development and the challenge, exploration, and discovery that can be experienced in therapeutic groups.

Note: To get a better idea of our groups: This list represents some past groups, some ongoing groups, and others that are ready to launch when we receive enough expressions of interest. It is non-exhaustive. Our groups are customized for the individuals that reach out to us, so it’s always best to fill out our group interest form!

General Group List

  • Academia/Student Support Group

    A process and skill-building group for surviving and thriving as a student. Process stressors, strategize, and build mad academic skills in a supportive community.


    • gain executive functioning scaffolds

    • break down semesters worth of assignments into achievable step-by-step plans and timelines

    • gain self-efficacy, an internal locus of control, an approach-mindset, motivation, and kick ass out of procrastination and imposter syndrome.

    • Destress and reality check high expectations and internalized pressures.

  • Addiction and Substance Use Support for LGTBQ Communities

    A small group focused on providing a safe and welcoming space for members to share their experiences, strength, and challenges related to their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as to discuss strategies for managing their recovery journey. Quitting old habits can be isolating, and this group is meant to foster community and personal growth. Members may discuss a range of topics, including coping with stigma and discrimination, building self-esteem and self-acceptance, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress and other challenges.


    • Connection, validation, inspiration of hope

    • Active strategies and coping skills around the cessation of alcohol and and other substance use.

  • Anxiety and OCD support group

    Learn from and help others who are going through similar struggles with anxiety, panic, and OCD. Share tips and success stories. Gain practices, tools, techniques, and strategies to help recover from these struggles, decrease symptoms, and prevent relapses. Develop a personalized toolkit and self-help skills in a space that offers emotional and practical support. Get help with motivation, accountability, and realistic and achievable goal-setting. Socialize in a community who can relate to the ups and downs of these life experiences.

  • Astrology and Well-being

    For folks interested in astrology and archetypes as an expansive, insight-generating, and holistic map of human experience. Reflect on your natal chart and transits in a welcoming community with shared goals. Learn about astrology and the relationship between astrological perspectives and psychotherapeutic perspectives. Apply astrology to your personal life, relationships—and throughout all areas of life associated with the twelve houses. Allow astrological perspectives to nurture your experience throughout time.

  • Culture Shock!

    A safe and healing space for Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color adults to be transparent, have an open dialogue about their racial/cultural, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other identities, biases, racial trauma, systemic racism, microaggressions, privileges, and experience of discrimination to build solidarity and support through shared lived experience. We emphasize and strive for deep and authentic emotional connections and relational interactions in this group in order to create a space to celebrate the richness of culture - while identifying the complexity of being “different.”


    • Develop a keener internal awareness of intersectional identities

    • Engage in culturally-relevant rest practices.

    • Learn to more clearly connect with emotions, and how “the body keeps the score” through generational trauma and/or unique multicultural context.

    • Consider specific barriers and challenges that are unique to BIPOC individuals, resulting from privilege and oppression.

    • Develop and engage in a communal ritual of release and connection - creating a stronger sense of belonging.

  • Embracing Loss and Change: A Community of Healing, Hope, and Growth

    This group is dedicated to supporting individuals as they navigate the emotional landscapes of breakups, grief, loss, setbacks, and challenging life transitions. We recognize the profound impact these experiences can have on one's well-being and aim to provide a safe haven for healing, reflection, finding meaning, discovering hope, and growth after life-altering changes.

    We’ll cultivate a secure, affirming, and inclusive community, where members unite to share stories, discuss challenges, and celebrate triumphs in their healing journey. As you navigate the intricate emotions of grief, guided by shared experiences, we support you in forging your unique path through loss, embracing both vulnerability and resilience.

    By sharing stories, insights, and coping strategies, we navigate the complex emotions of grief together, finding validation, comfort, and belonging through collective exploration of the grieving process. Our discussions, expressive activities, and mutually shared insights offer resources to help understand and process your grief alongside others with similar experiences.


    An Affirming space to honor all kinds of loss

    Discussions about the process and stages of grief, coping strategies, and life transitions

    Candid and courageous conversations about love, loss, breakups, recovery, and moving forward

    To integrate loss and move forward with wisdom.

    Grief has its own timeline - be gentle with yourself. Join us to feel heard, find your footing, and renew a sense of hope and purpose.

  • From Coping to Resilience

    Skills-building, process, and psychoeducation group for 1. building coping and self-regulation skills—learning how to best respond to triggers and stressors; and 2. step-by-step cultivating resilience, growth, and approach-oriented mind-sets.

  • Gestalt Process Group

    It’s often said that the best way to learn about the Gestalt approach to groups is by being in one. This process group is a place for emerging clinicians to share their ongoing experiences, confusion, celebration, struggles, and growth–small or large. It is a place to explore more deeply issues and feelings which may be triggered in our home and work environments. It is a place to learn about self through interaction with others while working with our own issues or in roles of witness (participant-observer) with others.


    • A. Maintain an experimental stance–a willingness to try things without outcomes being known, and to learn from whatever happens.

    • B. Support each other and stay in dialogue–when things go well and when they do not go well.

    • C. To support and value positively the reality of our “awkwardness” as learners, trying out new ways of being and relating.

    • D. Engaging in personal development work: The fewer blind spots we have about ourselves, the more clearly we are able to see and experience others, and the less likely we are to project on others.

    • E. Increasing awareness of all facets of self as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual beings: Taking responsibility for clarity about self is an important prerequisite to fully experiencing and working with others.

  • Grief and Loss

    A process, experiential, and psychoeducational group for those looking to heal from losses of all sorts. A group where you can learn about and move through the grieving process with supportive others with shared experiences--in which you’ll also be supported to discover your own, individualized way through loss. We’ll share tips, resources, and healing practices together.

  • Ho Ho Oh No! Feeling and Dealing through the Holidays

    The purpose of this group is to cultivate a community focused on navigating the unique challenges presented by the emotional whirlwind known as the holiday season. The atmosphere of this period is a true mixture - filled with joy and nostalgia, blessed with precious memories, yet simultaneously fraught with stress, loneliness, familial pressures, societal demands, high expectations, and an onslaught of activities. Amidst these confounding elements, feeling overwhelmed is a typical reaction. Our supportive circle serves as a platform for candid discussions about these seasonal highs and lows, aiming to foster reflection, connection, and empowerment in this tumultuous time.

    We’ll traverse this season together, and delve into the complexities of holiday-related challenges armed with practical strategies to manage holiday-induced stress, establish balance, set boundaries, safeguard wellbeing, and, perhaps, authentically celebrate the season. From managing familial expectations to achieving internal peace amidst holiday chaos, our discussions are frank and constructive. We strive to provide a supportive, non-judgmental environment, conducive for individual growth and mutual understanding, regardless if you're grappling with loneliness, overwhelm, or seeking to create meaningful holiday memories.

  • Interpersonal Process Group for 20s-30s

    A space to find camaraderie throughout self and interpersonal transformation. Work towards greater self-and-other awareness and understanding through (1) processing past, current, and present-moment interpersonal relationships, struggles, dynamics, and conflicts and (2) exploring your thoughts, feelings, and reaction to other group members.

    This group functions as a social laboratory in which group members practice the skills of authenticity and emotional transparency by focusing their attention on their present-moment experiences and revealing their feelings — about themselves, other group members, or the leader — and then observing the impact on others.

    The group process unfolds as a continuous flow of emotional self-disclosure among members — sharing feelings, thoughts, sensations, impulses, judgments, fantasies, and whatever else may come to mind — and then learning how our honest communication affects our connection to ourselves and to the rest of the group. This allows us to practice new ways of relating and communicating which fosters confidence, resilience, and opportunities for deeper intimacy.

    Learn to:

    - Clearly identify emotions, thoughts, core beliefs and attitudes related to connection and intimacy

    - Understand how the emotional impact of negative past experiences may be holding you back in your relationship with yourself and with others

    - Use that information to communicate more authentically and more skillfully, promoting deeper connection

    - Become more resilient, emotionally open, and curious in the face of conflict and difference

    - Enjoy the pleasure, satisfaction and vitality of belonging to a group of emotionally engaged individuals

  • Interpersonal Process and Support Group for Therapist Trainees

    Like other interpersonal process groups, this group will give you a chance to explore past, current, and present-moment interpersonal relationships, struggles, dynamics, conflicts, and experiences of self–as well as your thoughts, feelings, and reaction to other group members. However, this will be particularly tied to how your “self-other schemas” impact your clinical work and will also involve reflecting on different psychological/psychotherapeutic frameworks to understand these dynamics at a higher level. Becoming a therapist can be an isolating and anxiety provoking time that brings up a lot of personal material and imposter syndrome. Here you’ll be able to decompress, mind-meld, and be bolstered by supportive peers who are in it together and focused on self-growth and professional development.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation for Mental Wellness

    An experiential and psychoeducation group for folks looking to learn and apply mindfulness, meditation, visualization, and “3rd wave” CBT skills and practices to improve their mental health and functioning.

    • increase positive emotions

    • develop radical acceptance

    • improve executive functioning

    • learn new coping and stress management skills — manage triggers more effectively

    • find balance and develop a healthier lifestyle

    • increase self-efficacy and self-reliance

    • and quiet that monkey mind!

  • Multicultural Support Group: Making a Home Away From Home

    Have you immigrated and find yourself lost and confused by the never-ending differences around you?

    This group creates an intentional space for those whom have moved from their native homeland and find themselves currently living in a non-native language culture to develop community while adapting to nuanced change.

  • Natal Navigators: A Collective of Empowered Mothers

    This group is a dedicated space for women to delve deep into the emotional landscapes and multifaceted experiences of motherhood and parenting, pregnancy, fertility, and everything in-between. We provide a safe space for frank discussions and shared stories as we manage the myriad of challenges associated with expecting, new, or continuing motherhood.

    It is a sanctuary for those seeking guidance, understanding, and camaraderie during and throughout these life phases. Together we’ll share tools and resources, and you’ll find community with others navigating similar struggles - whether it’s a difficult pregnancy, postpartum emotions, or adjusting to a new normal. We offer supportive companionship for those grappling with stress, anxiety, and changes in mood that can accompany these critical life transitions. Our group is a space to express your feelings, celebrate your triumphs, and address struggles in the company of others who share similar experiences. Let's cultivate a circle where you feel heard, empowered, and equipped with tools to take charge of your holistic wellbeing!

    You can expect to:

    Engage in open discussions about the nuances of motherhood, including pregnancy, birthing, parenting, and the complexities of motherhood dynamics.

    Enhance your support system with our practical advice on partnerships, navigating healthcare, and community involvement.

    Empower yourself to prioritize wellness and build resilience while navigating through the whirlwind of powerful emotions and life changes during motherhood.

    Celebrate each milestone, from the tiniest victories to major transitions, as we honor the transformative beauty of your journey through motherhood.

    Gain access to an array of resources, insights, and coping strategies, intentionally gathered to support your wellbeing and help tackle any challenges.

    Connect with peers who are navigating similar life transitions. It's in this space that you'll find comfort, understanding, and camaraderie.

    Rejoice in a unique celebration of growth and communal moments that beautifully encapsulate the essence of your maternal experience.

    The path of/towards motherhood, while filled with joys and challenges, is a profoundly beautiful journey. We warmly welcome you to join us, share your experiences, and find community on this ever-unfolding path. Together we can uplift and learn from one another, gaining confidence and empowerment along the way. Let's cultivate an intimate space to honor the intricacies of the natal experience in all its stages, finding solidarity in the midst of every up and down.

  • New and Expecting Mothers/Birthing People: Everything Natal

    This group provides a safe space to talk about all the hard parts of navigating pregnancy and new parenthood, especially when it’s not what you expected. Learn coping skills for stress, anxiety, and depression, and connect with other pregnant people or new moms who are facing similar challenges. Parenting skills and relationship difficulties also discussed. This support group is LGBTQIA+ affirming, and welcomes new or expecting moms/birthing people of all genders and sexual orientations.


    • Learn how to take charge and feel empowered and confident in your overall natal experience.

    • Identify warning signs that you are struggling, and need extra support.

    • Gain assistance in strengthening your support network– including your partner, family, healthcare providers, and community resources.

    • Receive support and care in the moments where you’re feeling unprepared for or overwhelmed by your pregnancy/parenting experience.

    • Celebrate the vast stages and changes throughout your natal experience.

  • Nonmonogamy, polyamory, and polycurious

    For those practicing or exploring non-monogamy or polyamory. Learn from and process shared experiences with peers in a safe and open setting!

    Learn to:

    • Communicate and set boundaries even when it’s tough or embarrassing and advocate for your own needs.

    • Build trust, consent.

    • Explore what different relationship models can look like and navigate them in a healthy and respectful way.

    • Manage that “new relationship” energy.

    • Collaborate on what works best for you and your partners.

    • Make changes at a sustainable pace

  • 1. Relationship and Couples Skills / 2. Intentional Dating

    Relationship skill-building, psychoeducation, and process groups for improving communication, intimacy, and other relationship skills.

    Translating the wide-world of couples therapy to day-to-day interactions and decisions in relationships.

    For folks in ongoing relationships or for those dating—or preparing to start dating again.

  • Self-Help and Pop-Psychology Book Club

    In this monthly group, we collectively select and curate a list of therapeutic books to read, reflect on, critically think about, and apply together. We’ll contextualize them within the broader field of psychotherapy, psychology, and mental wellness with the help of licensed therapists. We’ll work together as a learning community; they’ll be interactive discussions and you’ll receive support on how to best translate their ideas to your own life.

  • Therapeutic Gaming

    Hello, intrepid heroes! People who play RPGs are more creative, cooperative, and better at overcoming challenges—join us for some online table-top gaming! We’ll have fun and socialize while building mental health life skills. We’re particularly excited to offer these groups for folks who are socially isolated or who identify as “neurodiverse nerds.” We battle monsters and rescue those who need help, all while working on regulating emotions, increasing frustration tolerance, overcoming fear, and honing problem-solving skills . Let's explore your inner being through character creation!


    • A. Create a strong experiential understanding of teamwork and cooperation

    • B. Put together a constantly-updating character creation sheet, to externally quantify and qualify your internal experiences– what areas of your personal “character” do you put your “points” into?

    • C. Foster social interactions and build self-esteem

    • D. Engage with other humans (or orcs, or half-elves) like you, who understand and support your special interest

How can I join a group?

We enroll and match participants and launch groups on an ongoing basis. 

Simply, (1.) Fill our Group Therapy Interest form or Contact Us with any questions. 

The information you provide will help us match you with a provider to schedule a complementary one-on-one consultation session with, and match you with other group members. 

(2.) We’ll reach out to schedule a complimentary initial consultation and screening session and provide more information on your preferred groups. From there, you’ll be ready to join in!

How much does it cost? – payment procedures

$30 per group meeting.

Some groups have sliding scale openings!

How often and for how long do they meet?

Depending on the group, meeting times can vary from 60-90 minutes, and frequencies of meetings can vary between weekly, biweekly, and even monthly.

Many are ongoing support groups, and others have a structured number of sessions, such as, a series of 4-12 meetings.

How does online group therapy work?

Similar to online therapy, you’ll meet with your group members over videoconferencing. You’ll receive a link that will open in any web browser on any device–without needing to set up any new software. Simply click the link at the time of your meeting and “presto!” you’ll be in the meeting with your facilitators and other group members.

Is group therapy for me? 

If you’re uncertain about joining a group, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. During your consultation, you and your provider can discuss your situation, context, and history; assess the pros and cons; and discuss any initial concerns you might have about participating in a group. 

We understand that groups can sometimes be  intimidating for folks and we strive to do all we can so you’ll feel prepared and ready to take the leap with confidence!

Typically, our group services are not a fit for folks who:

  • are experiencing acute instability, dysfunction, or symptoms requiring a higher level of care such as inpatient or intensive outpatient services.

  • are in active crisis or experiencing an emergency.

  • need significant, acute safety and stabilization work.

  • in which there is a significant risk of harm to self or others.

Who will be in my group?

We screen and match each potential group member. In part, this is done through the intake questionnaires and initial consultations. We want to ensure everyone is a good fit, works well together, and can achieve a real sense of belonging in their group. Many groups focus on a particular topic, issue, and/or demographic, which helps to ensure members already have common goals, interests, and overlapping communities. In addition, sometimes a practice of clarifying group preferences, norms, values, boundaries, and agreements is incorporated at the outset and this can facilitate the smooth, safe, and secure functioning of any group.

Group Therapy FAQs

What if I don’t see a group fit for me? 

Please reach out to let us know what you’re looking for or to suggest a group! We love designing, organizing, and spearheading new groups, and we’ll let you know as soon as we have one ready for you!

Is Group Therapy Confidential?

Yes. Like individual therapy, confidentiality and security are essential aspects of a therapeutic group.  Whatever happens and is talked about in a group, stays in the group. Maintaining confidentiality is a required agreement necessary to participate in any group.

Will I have to talk/participate?

An expectation for being a group member is to participate and contribute—and people do generally get what they put in. However, everyone has their own way of participating and learning from a group that is best fit for them and their personality. Your group facilitator will establish a supportive environment where you can feel safe to participate (and/or learn to participate) in a way that you can get the most out of your group experience. It’s also expected that there will be a brief phase of warming up and acclimating to the other group members and culture of the group, so don’t get ahead of yourself! You’ll be encouraged to listen to yourself and tune into your own boundaries and what feels right: you’ll never be required to share, respond, or participate in any specific interaction–consent is a must and you have a right to say no and pass!

How many members are in your groups?

Groups vary between 4 to 8 participants. 

What is the structure and process of a group like?

This depends on the group. Some groups are more process-oriented, in which there is free-form sharing and reflecting on experiences within and outside of the group. Others are more structured in which there is a curriculum to follow or a repeated series of activities in each meeting. This really depends on the preferences and what works for each of the group members. Like individual therapy, group structure and process is collaboratively designed with the participants and can change based on your feedback, experience, and goals: so give us your input–let us and your facilitator know what you’d prefer!

Will it be the same members the whole time?

This depends on the group: Some groups are closed, in which all members are established at the beginning of the group, and others are open, in which new members can join an ongoing group. Some important group benefits come from committed members fostering long-term relationships; others are facilitated by mixing-it-up and diving into things in an intensive, short-term, and dynamic way.