Referrals & Networking

Information for Providers and Referral Sites

We love fostering relationships with complementary and like-minded practioners.

The quality of our clients' care depends on the larger systems and relationships that we create as providers. 

Developing these relationships can help to ensure:

  • we match clients to the best fit practitioners, services, and level of care.

  • we stay informed of all the currently available service options.

  • we can better function as care teams–so that clients receive the complementary services that best scaffold their desired change and wellness.

  • we, as practitioners, are better supported and resourced throughout our work.

  • we benefit from professional connections, such as knowing who to consult with when specialized issues come up.

This page includes summary information for when considering us as a referral site including:
our services, who we work with, fees, schedule, and how to connect with us.

We’d love to learn about you too!

If you’re interested in informing of us about work and becoming one of our referral sites, or networking and making professional connections, please complete our Referral Site/Networking Form.

Alternatively, please reach out to us with any questions or inquires:

If you choose, you can opt-in to be included in a recommended practitioner list that we’re developing!

Practice Overview

We are a forward-thinking, multi-regional community of mental health professionals. Our members currently provide clinical counseling services throughout British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, and North Carolina—and other mental health services elsewhere.

In general, we’re a team with complementary and diverse specializations, modalities, multicultural competencies, and practice areas. Our practice philosophy is pragmatic, research-informed, holistic, and social constructionist with a biopsychosocial conceptualization of mental health and psychopathology. 

We believe in embracing the many roads to mental wellness, and by large, our therapeutic model focuses on the common, transtheoretical factors and change principles correlated with increased beneficial outcomes across therapeutic approaches.

As a business, we are strongly aligned with the concept of social entrepreneurship and in fostering business models that can make accessible, equitable, affordable, and innovative care possible.

You can read more about us and our approach here.

Our Primary Services:

Online Psychotherapy

For individual adults, young adults/teens, and couples/other relationships.

Online Support Groups

A wide range of innovative, accessible, and inclusive support groups. Please view our group page for more information and current offerings.

Other services include:

  • Sliding Scale Gender Affirmation Surgery Assessments and Letters

  • Clinical Supervision

  • Training and groups for student therapists and emerging professionals

  • Professional Consultation

  • Mental Health Coaching, Peer Counseling, and Lived Experience Education

Who we work with

We work with a wide variety of populations, mental health concerns, and focus areas and privilege making individualized matches between clients and providers through in-depth consultations. 

You can visit our team page and individual pages for an overview of each of our focus areas—or our practice areas page for a more in-depth summary.

Some general areas we currently excel in:

  • Neurodiversity

  • Gender, sexuality, and LGBTQ+ issues including nonmonagamy and polyamory

  • Multicultural issues

  • Shame, self-esteem, and insecurity

  • Inner critic, superego, and self-persecutory issues (struggles with high standards, overcontrol, high stress, and high expectations)

  • Giftedness and Highly Sensitive Persons

  • Neurodiverisity, including ADHD and those needing general executive functioning support

  • Coaching, self development, and goal-setting

  • Nerd and gaming culture

  • Couples communication issues, particularly younger couples

  • Tech industry

  • Students

  • Young adult issues, including teens, general “adulting,” and early career issues

  • Emerging mental health professionals

Our current practice languages (other than English) include: Mandarin and Punjabi

As a primarily online and generalist private practice, we are typically not a fit as a primary support for folks:

  • who are actively experiencing or routinely experience crises and emergencies

  • who need significant safety and stabilization work

  • who are experiencing acute instability, dysfunction, and symptoms requiring a higher level of care such as inpatient or intensive outpatient services

  • who require case management services or frequent support outside of therapy sessions

  • in which there is a significant risk of harm to self or others

However, we can sometimes provide excellent supplementary support as members of a care team for folks experiencing these issues.


We are a private pay, out-of-network practice, so we don’t accept any insurances directly. However, our practitioners have a wide range of fees, and we partner with a service to verify clients out-of-network benefits for them and to automatically submit out-of-network claims.

Our counseling sessions and support group meetings start at $40

Our team page displays the fees of our individual providers.


Our individual members have a wide variety of availability with some evening and weekend openings. Here is a link to our general online scheduler. If a client cannot find a time that will work for them with their preferred provider, we are happy to try to accommodate them outside of the posted availability.

Contact Us:

Our all purpose email:

Individual practitioner emails are are [theirfirstname] 

Depending on the case, here are some options for client referrals:

You can link clients to our client contact form or advise that they send an initial email to our care coordinator:

You can suggest clients initially peruse our Team page and individual profiles.

You can link to an individual practitioner’s profile, scheduler, or email; or our practice-wide online scheduler.