Taking the first step

We know how hard it is to find the right therapist–and we recognize that looking for a therapist can be a stressor at what may already be a vulnerable time in your life. If you don't know exactly what to say or ask, it’s okay—that’s what we’re here for, to help with the first steps of your journey.

We make it easy to get started and receive expert guidance along the way.


 How It Works

  • Get to know our therapists

    Meet our mental health professionals through our team page and individual profiles. Here, you can find information about each of our services, areas of focus and specializations, therapeutic approaches, schedule, fees, and more.

  • Get in touch

    Visit our online scheduler to book a consultation. If you’re unsure of who would be the best fit, you can’t find a time that works for you, or there’s anything else we can help you with, please fill out our contact form and we will respond within 24 hours.

  • Your journey

    Participate in an initial consultation. Your provider will focus on what is immediately most helpful to you, and will help you develop a deeper understanding of your situation and prioritize next steps.


Consultations are a time for you to meet with a potential provider so you can feel each other out, assess the fit, and consider the next steps. The information you gain in these meetings will help you to decide on a therapeutic match and get a sense of what these interactions might be like. In general, therapy is time you take for you–ultimately, it should be a place where you can let your guard down and have an experience that feels right and fulfilling. There is no need to put pressure on yourself or prepare–wherever you’re at is the best place to start. It is normal to feel a bit self-conscious at first, but your provider will be there to help you with that, lead the way, and answer any questions you might have. Listening to your intuition is the best way to ensure an ideal therapeutic match.

Still have questions?

Visit our FAQ and services page. If the answers aren’t there, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our contact form is the best way to reach us. For questions for a particular clinician, you’re welcome to contact us via our individual emails.