Fiona Yu (she/they)

MA (Counseling, in progress)

  • I am deeply committed to creating a space where you feel safe to explore your inner experiences without fear of judgment or criticism. My work emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and respect for each individual's unique story. As a therapist, I strive to be an advocate for my clients’ needs and well-being. I firmly believe that effective therapy requires acknowledging the oppressive systems that contribute to life's challenges and underlie many mental health struggles. My goal in therapy is to help you find a balance between recognizing what is beyond your control and empowering you to enact change when you can.

    I am passionate about working with individuals who have felt constrained by societal expectations and are seeking to live a life free from who they “should” be. I want to collaborate with you to break down those barriers, celebrate your uniqueness, and create a life that aligns with your values. With the dedication to walking alongside you and challenging you to uncover the answers within yourself, I seek to foster an environment where you feel seen and valued for who you are. Together, we can explore how therapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, build resilience, and create positive change in your life.

  • I embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth. I find value in encouraging you to challenge your perceptions of yourself, those around you, and the world. Instead of being another person telling you what you should do, I will listen to you with curiosity and seek to understand the significance of your experiences to you. I hope to join you in your discovery of the answers you might already know but have yet to realize or fully believe.

    When working with me, you can expect humor, respect, openness, and critical thought. My approach to therapy draws from a blend of systems-based, narrative, cognitive-behavioral, and acceptance and mindfulness-based approaches. My therapeutic framework is informed by my values of anti-oppressive and social justice oriented healing.

  • As the younger daughter to working-class Chinese immigrant parents, I was born into a life riddled with others’ hopes and expectations. Being labeled as gifted, the pressure to achieve greatness and justify my parents’ sacrifices loomed over me. Dreams of becoming a therapist were dismissed as insufficient, pushing me towards more esteemed professions like medicine or law. Despite resisting this pressure, I found myself still burdened by the weight of societal and personal expectations to excel.

    My fear of being a disappointment led me down paths that left me unfulfilled and unhappy, all to prove to the world, and myself, that I was worth something. During this time, I desperately searched for a therapist to help me understand myself, only to be met with therapists that did not bother to acknowledge, much less validate, the complexities of my identity and lived experiences. It wasn't until I reached a breaking point that I sought support from friends and mentors, gathering the courage to make the decision to honor my authentic self. However, what I anticipated as a moment of triumph was actually a time of grief, mourning the time and opportunities lost, the relationships strained by my choices, and the perfect daughter I could have been.

    I know that the journey towards authenticity and liberation is painful and seems like it must be done alone. In truth, it is quite the opposite – it was only when I turned to my community that I was able to take that step. As a counselor, I strive to be a part of that community for you and to advocate for you wholeheartedly. Through lifting off the weight of expectation, perfectionism, and shame, I aim to support you in your own journey towards liberation even within the oppressive systems we exist in.

  • Individual (young adults/youth)

    Intergenerational trauma

    Adult children to immigrant parents

    Gender identity

    Body perception

    Multicultural identity

    Life transition

    Perfectionism and shame


  • I prioritize fully relishing in interests and the activities that bring joy, so I have been integrated into fan culture for as long as I can remember. I enjoy playing video games and would call myself a casual, for-fun player of the more popular games out there. Whenever I have the chance, I listen to music, usually with earbuds in to experience everything from the booming bass to the subtle harmonies. I have dabbled in making music myself, though it usually ends up with me singing along to songs and strumming my guitar.

  • Online Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Coaching

    $60 session fee

    Insurance: not accepted

    Schedule directly through online scheduler.

    If you’re unable to find an available time that works for you, please reach out to


Ellen Hokit (she/her)


Jade Callaghan (she/they)