Rachelle Sayers (she/her)

MA (Counseling, in progress)


  • My aim is to provide folks with the opportunity to challenge deficit-oriented perspectives that are often associated with mental health and neurodivergence. More often than not, we are all too well acquainted with the ways in which our challenging experiences have left us feeling stuck, guarded, inadequate, shameful, and so on. But what we are less familiar with are the ways in which our perceived difficulties have strengthened parts of who we are and made us more resilient. My goal is to support folks in identifying these resiliencies as a resource they can draw upon and use in their everyday lives. Ultimately, my commitment as a therapist is to dismantle various socially oppressive stories that we are all impacted by and foster new stories that speak more authentically to who we are and where we’d like to go.

  • I aim to create empowering experiences where folks can explore various aspects of themselves, their identities, experiences, and beliefs. You have the freedom to bring whichever aspects of yourself you’d like into our work. Whether you’d like to try on new aspects or revisit familiar ones, I am here to support you with it. Throughout our lives, we accumulate different roles and stories that shape our self-perception and our views of others. These socially constructed narratives can be helpful and true to our identities, limiting and inaccurate, or a mix of both. However, the goal is to help you uncover a narrative that feels most authentic to you.

    I believe that therapy is a space for challenging the status quo and weaving our individual experiences into a cohesive narrative that better reflects our true selves. My therapeutic approach is flexible and guided by the values of humour, authenticity, safety, and curiosity.

  • My story begins as a creative and imaginative young kid who was seriously curious about the unknown. To the dismay of those tasked with answering my hard-to-explain questions, this meant that I was the kid who routinely asked “…but why? How? Who?”. Thankfully, shortly after completing my B.A. in psychology, I recognized that this inherent curiosity and imaginative nature of mine could find a home in the field of counselling.

    Though I am still very much that inquisitive and creative kid, I have since recognized that what I revel in is the many different ways people can perceive and interpret things. What’s more is that I enjoy people's stories. I have been deeply influenced by the wisdom and knowledge shared with me by the folks I have had the privilege of knowing in my lifetime. From family and friends to peers, clients and even beloved pets, their invaluable stories and insights have significantly shaped my worldview as well as my approach to therapy. What excites me the most about my story is the recognition that I still have so much to learn from the folks I have yet to meet and work alongside.

  • Top Specialities:

    Neurodiversity, ADHD, LGBTQ+, Grief and Loss, Substance Use, Psychedelic Integration, Existential Concerns , Athletes/Sports, Relationship Difficultie , Boundaries , Life Transitions, Complex Family Dynamics, Intimacy Issues, Sexuality, Women’s issues, Creativity.

    Top Approaches:

    Integrative, Narrative Therapy, Anti-Oppressive, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)/CBT, Relational, Internal Family Systems (IFS)


    Neurodivergent individuals have unique strengths, abilities, and ways of experiencing the world. I am committed to disrupting commonly held deficit-oriented perspectives on neurodiversity. In providing a neurodiversity-affirming therapeutic approach, I support individuals to better understand and accept themselves exactly as they are. My focus involves creating an inclusive and empowering environment where clients' neurodivergent traits are valued and respected. This work includes helping clients develop resources that they can draw on during challenging times, such as coping strategies and self-advocacy skills.

    Grief and Loss:

    Grief is an incredibly distinctive and personal experience that can manifest in countless ways. I am here to provide you with an empathetic, safe and understanding space for you to process and explore your own unique experience. Recognizing that loss can take many forms, I am here to help you move through your experiences of grief and loss in a way that feels right for you. Through a narrative lens, we will explore the stories surrounding your loss, helping you to reconstruct your narrative in a way that allows you to honour and begin to move through your experience of grief and loss.


    I create a safe and affirming space for folks to explore their intricate and overlapping identities, recognizing that we all encompass various aspects and roles in our lives. On your journey toward self-acceptance, I offer support in integrating and/or reconciling these facets into your identity as you see fit. Together, we address any oppressive, non-accepting, or discriminatory experiences you may have faced, helping you navigate the associated emotions and beliefs. My goal is to provide a judgment-free environment where you can be your authentic self without the need to justify your experiences through a heteronormative/cisnormative lens. You'll find acceptance here, exactly as you are, and we'll work together to empower your self-discovery.

    Psychedelic Integration:

    Psychedelics can provide us with transformative experiences that can lead to life-altering and profound shifts in our understandings of ourselves and the world around us. These experiences and life-altering shifts can sometimes be difficult to navigate on your own. I am here to help you make sense of your transformative experiences and integrate the insights you acquired into your everyday life. Understanding the nuances and the influence that psychedelics can have on personal growth, I offer a non-judgemental, safe, and harm-reductive space for you to explore your emotions, thoughts and any revelations. My aim is to help you make sense of your psychedelic experiences in a way that aligns with you, your values and your goals.

  • I hold a B.A in psychology with a minor in counselling and history. I am currently nearing the completion of my master's degree in counselling, with my final project focusing on ADHD and psilocybin. A keen interest of mine lies in understanding the role of psychedelics in mental health, as well as in the dual nature of language – how it can both oppress and empower depending on how it is used.

  • Online Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Coaching

    $80 session fee

    Schedule directly through online scheduler.

    Insurance: not accepted

    If you’re unable to find an available time that works for you or if you have any questions, please reach out to rachelle@intrepidtherapy.com


Noah Sprague (he/him)


Sarah Eve (she/her)